VERSION 1.0 CLASS BEGIN MultiUse = -1 'True Persistable = 0 'NotPersistable DataBindingBehavior = 0 'vbNone DataSourceBehavior = 0 'vbNone MTSTransactionMode = 0 'NotAnMTSObject END Attribute VB_Name = "cCOMDLG32" Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False Attribute VB_Creatable = True Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False Attribute VB_Exposed = False Option Explicit '============================================================================================================= ' ' cCOMDLG32 Class Module ' ----------------------- ' ' Created By : Kevin Wilson ' ( The VB Zone ) ' ( The VB Zone .net ) ' ' Last Update : June 14, 2000 ' ' VB Versions : 5.0 / 6.0 ' ' Requires : modCOMDLG32.bas (Common Dialog module by Kevin Wilson) ' COMDLG32.DLL (Microsoft Common Dialog Library) ' OLEPRO32.DLL (OLE Automation) ' ' Description : This class module was created as a wrapper for the modCOMDLG32 standard module created by ' Kevin Wilson. This class module allows you to use this class module in EXACTLY the same ' way you'd use the Microsoft Common Dialog ActiveX Control (COMDLG32.OCX). This class module ' has/uses the exact same properties and methods as the Microsoft Common Dialog Control, plus ' a whole lot more for the other dialogs not available in the Microsoft Common Dialog Control. ' ' See the description in the modCOMDLG32.bas file for more information on the COMDLG32.DLL and ' the use of these dialogs. ' '============================================================================================================= ' ' LEGAL: ' ' You are free to use this code as long as you keep the above heading information intact and unchanged. Credit ' given where credit is due. Also, it is not required, but it would be appreciated if you would mention ' somewhere in your compiled program that that your program makes use of code written and distributed by ' Kevin Wilson ( Feel free to link to this code via your web site or articles. ' ' You may NOT take this code and pass it off as your own. You may NOT distribute this code on your own server ' or web site. You may NOT take code created by Kevin Wilson ( and use it to create products, ' utilities, or applications that directly compete with products, utilities, and applications created by Kevin ' Wilson,, or Wilson Media. You may NOT take this code and sell it for profit without first ' obtaining the written consent of the author Kevin Wilson. ' ' These conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the owner Kevin Wilson at any time without ' warning or notice. Copyright© by Kevin Wilson. All rights reserved. ' '============================================================================================================= Private cd_AppName As String Private cd_CancelError As Boolean Private cd_Collate As Boolean Private cd_Color As Long Private cd_ColorMode As Long Private cd_Copies As Long Private cd_DefaultExt As String Private cd_DialogTitle As String Private cd_DriveIndex As Long Private cd_Duplex As Long Private cd_FileName As String Private cd_FileTitle As String Private cd_Filter As String Private cd_FindString As String Private cd_Flags As Long Private cd_FolderName As String Private cd_FolderTitle As String Private cd_FontBold As Boolean Private cd_FontItalic As Boolean Private cd_FontName As String Private cd_FontSize As Long Private cd_FontStrikethru As Boolean Private cd_FontUnderline As Boolean Private cd_FromPage As Long Private cd_HelpCommand As Long Private cd_HelpContext As Long Private cd_HelpFile As String Private cd_HelpKey As String Private cd_hIcon As Long Private cd_IconIndex As Long Private cd_InitDir As String Private cd_Margin_Bottom As Long Private cd_Margin_Left As Long Private cd_Margin_Right As Long Private cd_Margin_Top As Long Private cd_Max As Long Private cd_Min As Long Private cd_MinMargin_Bottom As Long Private cd_MinMargin_Left As Long Private cd_MinMargin_Right As Long Private cd_MinMargin_Top As Long Private cd_Orientation As Long Private cd_OtherInfo As String Private cd_OwnerHandle As Long Private cd_PaperBin As Long Private cd_PaperSize As Long Private cd_PaperSize_Height As Long Private cd_PaperSize_Width As Long Private cd_PrinterDefault As Boolean Private cd_PrinterName As String Private cd_PrintQuality As Long Private cd_Prompt As String Private cd_ReplaceString As String Private cd_RGB_Blue As Byte Private cd_RGB_Green As Byte Private cd_RGB_Red As Byte Private cd_SavedSearch As String Private cd_ToPage As Long '============================================================================================================= ' CLASS EVENTS '============================================================================================================= Private Sub Class_Initialize() On Error Resume Next ' Set initial values cd_AppName = App.Title cd_ColorMode = DMCOLOR_MONOCHROME cd_Copies = 1 cd_Duplex = DMDUP_SIMPLEX cd_Filter = "All Files (*.*)|*.*" cd_FontName = "Arial" cd_FontSize = 10 cd_FromPage = 1 cd_HelpCommand = HELP_TAB cd_HelpFile = App.HelpFile cd_InitDir = CurDir cd_Max = 1 cd_Min = 1 cd_Orientation = DMORIENT_PORTRAIT cd_OwnerHandle = App.hInstance cd_PaperSize = DMPAPER_LETTER cd_PrinterName = Printer.DeviceName cd_PrintQuality = DMRES_HIGH cd_ToPage = 1 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() DoEvents End Sub '============================================================================================================= ' CLASS PROPERTIES '============================================================================================================= ' Used in : CD_ShowAbout Public Property Get AppName() As String AppName = cd_AppName End Property Public Property Let AppName(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_AppName = NewValue End Property ' Used in : ALL Public Property Get CancelError() As Boolean CancelError = cd_CancelError End Property Public Property Let CancelError(ByVal NewValue As Boolean) cd_CancelError = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get Collate() As Boolean Collate = cd_Collate End Property Public Property Let Collate(ByVal NewValue As Boolean) cd_Collate = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowColor, CD_ShowFont Public Property Get Color() As Long Color = cd_Color End Property Public Property Let Color(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Color = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get ColorMode() As Long ColorMode = cd_ColorMode End Property Public Property Let ColorMode(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_ColorMode = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get Copies() As Long Copies = cd_Copies End Property Public Property Let Copies(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Copies = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowOpen_Save Public Property Get DefaultExt() As String DefaultExt = cd_DefaultExt End Property Public Property Let DefaultExt(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_DefaultExt = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowAbout, CD_ShowOpen_Save, CD_ShowRun Public Property Get DialogTitle() As String DialogTitle = cd_DialogTitle End Property Public Property Let DialogTitle(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_DialogTitle = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFormat Public Property Get DriveIndex() As Long DriveIndex = cd_DriveIndex End Property Public Property Let DriveIndex(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_DriveIndex = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get Duplex() As Long Duplex = cd_Duplex End Property Public Property Let Duplex(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Duplex = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowIcon, CD_ShowOpen_Save, CD_ShowProperties Public Property Get FileName() As String FileName = cd_FileName End Property Public Property Let FileName(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_FileName = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowOpen_Save ' > READ-ONLY < Public Property Get FileTitle() As String FileTitle = cd_FileTitle End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowOpen_Save Public Property Get Filter() As String Filter = cd_Filter End Property Public Property Let Filter(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_Filter = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFind, CD_ShowFindReplace Public Property Get FindString() As String FindString = cd_FindString End Property Public Property Let FindString(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_FindString = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowColor ( CC_... ) ' CD_ShowFolder ( BIF_... ) ' CD_ShowFont ( CF_... ) ' CD_ShowOpen_Save ( OFN_... ) ' CD_ShowPageSetup ( PSD_... ) ' CD_ShowPrinter ( PD_... ) ' CD_ShowReboot ( EWX_... ) ' CD_ShowRun ( RFF_... ) ' CD_ShowFind ( FR_... ) ' CD_ShowFindReplace ( FR_... ) Public Property Get Flags() As Long Flags = cd_Flags End Property Public Property Let Flags(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Flags = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFolder Public Property Get FolderName() As String FolderName = cd_FolderName End Property Public Property Let FolderName(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_FolderName = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFolder ' > READ-ONLY < Public Property Get FolderTitle() As String FolderTitle = cd_FolderTitle End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFont Public Property Get FontBold() As Boolean FontBold = cd_FontBold End Property Public Property Let FontBold(ByVal NewValue As Boolean) cd_FontBold = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFont Public Property Get FontItalic() As Boolean FontItalic = cd_FontItalic End Property Public Property Let FontItalic(ByVal NewValue As Boolean) cd_FontItalic = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFont Public Property Get fontName() As String fontName = cd_FontName End Property Public Property Let fontName(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_FontName = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFont Public Property Get FontSize() As Long FontSize = cd_FontSize End Property Public Property Let FontSize(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_FontSize = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFont Public Property Get FontStrikethru() As Boolean FontStrikethru = cd_FontStrikethru End Property Public Property Let FontStrikethru(ByVal NewValue As Boolean) cd_FontStrikethru = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFont Public Property Get FontUnderline() As Boolean FontUnderline = cd_FontUnderline End Property Public Property Let FontUnderline(ByVal NewValue As Boolean) cd_FontUnderline = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get FromPage() As Long FromPage = cd_FromPage End Property Public Property Let FromPage(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_FromPage = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowHelp Public Property Get HelpCommand() As Long HelpCommand = cd_HelpCommand End Property Public Property Let HelpCommand(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_HelpCommand = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowHelp Public Property Get HelpContext() As Long HelpContext = cd_HelpContext End Property Public Property Let HelpContext(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_HelpContext = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowHelp Public Property Get HelpFile() As String HelpFile = cd_HelpFile End Property Public Property Let HelpFile(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_HelpFile = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowHelp Public Property Get HelpKey() As String HelpKey = cd_HelpKey End Property Public Property Let HelpKey(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_HelpKey = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowAbout, CD_ShowRun Public Property Get hIcon() As Long hIcon = cd_hIcon End Property Public Property Let hIcon(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_hIcon = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowIcon Public Property Get IconIndex() As Long IconIndex = cd_IconIndex End Property Public Property Let IconIndex(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_IconIndex = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFindFile, CD_ShowOpen_Save Public Property Get InitDir() As String InitDir = cd_InitDir End Property Public Property Let InitDir(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_InitDir = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup Public Property Get Margin_Bottom() As Long Margin_Bottom = cd_Margin_Bottom End Property Public Property Let Margin_Bottom(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Margin_Bottom = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup Public Property Get Margin_Left() As Long Margin_Left = cd_Margin_Left End Property Public Property Let Margin_Left(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Margin_Left = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup Public Property Get Margin_Right() As Long Margin_Right = cd_Margin_Right End Property Public Property Let Margin_Right(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Margin_Right = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup Public Property Get Margin_Top() As Long Margin_Top = cd_Margin_Top End Property Public Property Let Margin_Top(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Margin_Top = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get Max() As Long Max = cd_Max End Property Public Property Let Max(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Max = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get Min() As Long Min = cd_Min End Property Public Property Let Min(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Min = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup Public Property Get MinMargin_Bottom() As Long MinMargin_Bottom = cd_MinMargin_Bottom End Property Public Property Let MinMargin_Bottom(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_MinMargin_Bottom = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup Public Property Get MinMargin_Left() As Long MinMargin_Left = cd_MinMargin_Left End Property Public Property Let MinMargin_Left(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_MinMargin_Left = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup Public Property Get MinMargin_Right() As Long MinMargin_Right = cd_MinMargin_Right End Property Public Property Let MinMargin_Right(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_MinMargin_Right = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup Public Property Get MinMargin_Top() As Long MinMargin_Top = cd_MinMargin_Top End Property Public Property Let MinMargin_Top(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_MinMargin_Top = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup, CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get Orientation() As Long Orientation = cd_Orientation End Property Public Property Let Orientation(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_Orientation = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowAbout Public Property Get OtherInfo() As String OtherInfo = cd_OtherInfo End Property Public Property Let OtherInfo(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_OtherInfo = NewValue End Property ' Used in : ALL except ShowFindComputer & ShowFindFile Public Property Get OwnerHandle() As Long OwnerHandle = cd_OwnerHandle End Property Public Property Let OwnerHandle(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_OwnerHandle = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter ' > READ-ONLY < Public Property Get PaperBin() As Long PaperBin = cd_PaperBin End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup, CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get PaperSize() As Long PaperSize = cd_PaperSize End Property Public Property Let PaperSize(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_PaperSize = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup ' > READ-ONLY < Public Property Get PaperSize_Height() As Long PaperSize_Height = cd_PaperSize_Height End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPageSetup ' > READ-ONLY < Public Property Get PaperSize_Width() As Long PaperSize_Width = cd_PaperSize_Width End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get PrinterDefault() As Boolean PrinterDefault = cd_PrinterDefault End Property Public Property Let PrinterDefault(ByVal NewValue As Boolean) cd_PrinterDefault = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter, CD_ShowProperties Public Property Get PrinterName() As String PrinterName = cd_PrinterName End Property Public Property Let PrinterName(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_PrinterName = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get PrintQuality() As Long PrintQuality = cd_PrintQuality End Property Public Property Let PrintQuality(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_PrintQuality = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFolder, CD_ShowReboot, CD_ShowRun Public Property Get Prompt() As String Prompt = cd_Prompt End Property Public Property Let Prompt(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_Prompt = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFindReplace Public Property Get ReplaceString() As String ReplaceString = cd_ReplaceString End Property Public Property Let ReplaceString(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_ReplaceString = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowColor ' > READ-ONLY < Public Property Get RGB_Blue() As Long RGB_Blue = cd_RGB_Blue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowColor ' > READ-ONLY < Public Property Get RGB_Green() As Long RGB_Green = cd_RGB_Green End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowColor ' > READ-ONLY < Public Property Get RGB_Red() As Long RGB_Red = cd_RGB_Red End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowFindFile Public Property Get SavedSearch() As String SavedSearch = cd_SavedSearch End Property Public Property Let SavedSearch(ByVal NewValue As String) cd_SavedSearch = NewValue End Property ' Used in : CD_ShowPrinter Public Property Get ToPage() As Long ToPage = cd_ToPage End Property Public Property Let ToPage(ByVal NewValue As Long) cd_ToPage = NewValue End Property '============================================================================================================= ' CLASS METHODS '============================================================================================================= Public Function ShowAbout() As Boolean If CD_ShowAbout(cd_OwnerHandle, cd_DialogTitle, cd_AppName, cd_OtherInfo, cd_hIcon) = False Then ShowAbout = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowAbout", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowAbout = True End If End Function Public Function ShowColor() As Boolean Dim TheRed As Byte Dim TheGreen As Byte Dim TheBlue As Byte Dim TheColor As Long Dim TheFlags As Long TheColor = cd_Color TheFlags = cd_Flags If CD_ShowColor(cd_OwnerHandle, TheFlags, TheColor, TheRed, TheGreen, TheBlue) = False Then ShowColor = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowColor", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowColor = True cd_Color = TheColor cd_Flags = TheFlags cd_RGB_Red = TheRed cd_RGB_Green = TheGreen cd_RGB_Blue = TheBlue End If End Function ' NOTE - Once this is called, make sure to put a call to your custom function ' that handles the Find dialog's events in the FindReplace_Event() ' function in the modCOMDLG32.bas file Public Function ShowFind() As Boolean CD_ShowFindReplace cd_OwnerHandle, cd_Flags, cd_FindString, False End Function Public Function ShowFindComputer() As Boolean If CD_ShowFindComputer = False Then ShowFindComputer = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowFindComputer", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowFindComputer = True End If End Function Public Function ShowFindFile() As Boolean If CD_ShowFindFile(cd_InitDir, cd_SavedSearch) = False Then ShowFindFile = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowFindFile", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowFindFile = True End If End Function ' NOTE - Once this is called, make sure to put a call to your custom function ' that handles the Find dialog's events in the FindReplace_Event() ' function in the modCOMDLG32.bas file Public Function ShowFindReplace() As Boolean CD_ShowFindReplace cd_OwnerHandle, cd_Flags, cd_FindString, True, cd_ReplaceString End Function Public Function ShowFolder() As Boolean Dim TheFlags As Long Dim TheFolderName As String Dim TheFolderTitle As String TheFlags = cd_Flags TheFolderName = cd_FolderName TheFolderTitle = cd_FolderTitle If CD_ShowFolder(cd_OwnerHandle, TheFlags, TheFolderName, TheFolderTitle, cd_Prompt) = False Then ShowFolder = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowFolder", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowFolder = True cd_Flags = TheFlags cd_FolderName = TheFolderName cd_FolderTitle = TheFolderTitle End If End Function Public Function ShowFont() As Boolean ' Memory Leak Dim TheFlags As Long Dim TheFontName As String Dim TheFontSize As Long Dim TheFontBold As Boolean Dim TheFontItalic As Boolean Dim TheFontStrikethru As Boolean Dim TheFontUnderline As Boolean Dim TheColor As Long TheFlags = cd_Flags TheFontName = cd_FontName TheFontSize = cd_FontSize TheFontBold = cd_FontBold TheFontItalic = cd_FontItalic TheFontStrikethru = cd_FontStrikethru TheFontUnderline = cd_FontUnderline TheColor = cd_Color If CD_ShowFont(cd_OwnerHandle, TheFlags, TheFontName, TheFontSize, TheFontBold, TheFontItalic, TheFontStrikethru, TheFontUnderline, TheColor) = False Then ShowFont = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowFont", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowFont = True cd_Flags = TheFlags cd_FontName = TheFontName cd_FontSize = TheFontSize cd_FontBold = TheFontBold cd_FontItalic = TheFontItalic cd_FontStrikethru = TheFontStrikethru cd_FontUnderline = TheFontUnderline cd_Color = TheColor End If End Function Public Function ShowFormat() As Boolean If CD_ShowFormat(cd_OwnerHandle, cd_DriveIndex) = False Then ShowFormat = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowFormat", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowFormat = True End If End Function Public Function ShowHelp() As Boolean If CD_ShowHelp(cd_OwnerHandle, cd_HelpFile, ConvertHelpConst(cd_HelpCommand), cd_HelpContext, cd_HelpKey) = False Then ShowHelp = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowHelp", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowHelp = True End If End Function Public Function ShowIcon() As Boolean Dim TheFileName As String Dim TheIconIndex As Long TheFileName = cd_FileName TheIconIndex = cd_IconIndex If CD_ShowIcon(cd_OwnerHandle, TheFileName, TheIconIndex) = False Then ShowIcon = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowIcon", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowIcon = True cd_FileName = TheFileName cd_IconIndex = TheIconIndex End If End Function Public Function ShowOpen() As Boolean Dim TheFlags As Long Dim TheFileName As String Dim TheFileTitle As String Dim TheFilter As String TheFlags = cd_Flags TheFileName = cd_FileName TheFileTitle = cd_FileTitle TheFilter = cd_Filter If CD_ShowOpen_Save(cd_OwnerHandle, TheFlags, TheFileName, TheFileTitle, cd_DefaultExt, cd_DialogTitle, TheFilter, cd_InitDir, True) = False Then ShowOpen = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowOpen_Save", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowOpen = True cd_Flags = TheFlags cd_FileName = TheFileName cd_FileTitle = TheFileTitle cd_Filter = TheFilter End If End Function Public Function ShowPageSetup() As Boolean ' Memory Leak Dim TheFlags As Long Dim TheOrientation As Long Dim ThePaperSize As Long Dim ThePaperSize_Height As Long Dim ThePaperSize_Width As Long Dim TheMargin_Left As Long Dim TheMargin_Top As Long Dim TheMargin_Right As Long Dim TheMargin_Bottom As Long TheFlags = cd_Flags TheOrientation = cd_Orientation ThePaperSize = cd_PaperSize ThePaperSize_Height = 0 ThePaperSize_Width = 0 TheMargin_Left = cd_Margin_Left TheMargin_Top = cd_Margin_Top TheMargin_Right = cd_Margin_Right TheMargin_Bottom = cd_Margin_Bottom If CD_ShowPageSetup(cd_OwnerHandle, TheFlags, TheOrientation, ThePaperSize, ThePaperSize_Height, ThePaperSize_Width, TheMargin_Left, TheMargin_Top, TheMargin_Right, TheMargin_Bottom, cd_MinMargin_Left, cd_MinMargin_Top, cd_MinMargin_Right, cd_MinMargin_Bottom) = False Then ShowPageSetup = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowPageSetup", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowPageSetup = True cd_Flags = TheFlags cd_Orientation = TheOrientation cd_PaperSize = ThePaperSize cd_PaperSize_Height = ThePaperSize_Height cd_PaperSize_Width = ThePaperSize_Width cd_Margin_Left = TheMargin_Left cd_Margin_Top = TheMargin_Top cd_Margin_Right = TheMargin_Right cd_Margin_Bottom = TheMargin_Bottom End If End Function Public Function ShowPrinter() As Boolean ' Memory Leak Dim TheFlags As Long Dim ThePrinterName As String Dim TheFromPage As Long Dim TheToPage As Long Dim TheMin As Long Dim TheMax As Long Dim TheCopies As Long Dim TheDuplex As Long Dim TheOrientation As Long Dim ThePaperSize As Long Dim ThePrintQuality As Long Dim TheColorMode As Long Dim ThePaperBin As Long Dim TheCollate As Boolean TheFlags = cd_Flags ThePrinterName = "" TheFromPage = cd_FromPage TheToPage = cd_ToPage TheMin = cd_Min TheMax = cd_Max TheCopies = cd_Copies TheDuplex = 0 TheOrientation = cd_Orientation ThePaperSize = cd_PaperSize ThePrintQuality = cd_PrintQuality TheColorMode = cd_ColorMode ThePaperBin = 0 TheCollate = cd_Collate If CD_ShowPrinter(cd_OwnerHandle, TheFlags, ThePrinterName, CInt(TheFromPage), CInt(TheToPage), CInt(TheMin), CInt(TheMax), CInt(TheCopies), CInt(TheDuplex), CInt(TheOrientation), CInt(ThePaperSize), CInt(ThePrintQuality), CInt(TheColorMode), CInt(ThePaperBin), TheCollate, cd_PrinterDefault) = False Then ShowPrinter = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowPageSetup", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowPrinter = True cd_Flags = TheFlags cd_PrinterName = ThePrinterName cd_FromPage = CLng(TheFromPage) cd_ToPage = CLng(TheToPage) cd_Min = CLng(TheMin) cd_Max = CLng(TheMax) cd_Copies = CLng(TheCopies) cd_Duplex = CLng(TheDuplex) cd_Orientation = CLng(TheOrientation) cd_PaperSize = CLng(ThePaperSize) cd_PrintQuality = CLng(ThePrintQuality) cd_ColorMode = CLng(TheColorMode) cd_PaperBin = CLng(ThePaperBin) cd_Collate = TheCollate End If End Function Public Function ShowProperties() As Boolean If CD_ShowProperties(cd_OwnerHandle, cd_FileName, cd_PrinterName) = False Then ShowProperties = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowProperties", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowProperties = True End If End Function Public Function ShowReboot() As Boolean If CD_ShowReboot(cd_OwnerHandle, cd_Flags, cd_Prompt) = False Then ShowReboot = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowReboot", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowReboot = True End If End Function Public Function ShowRun() As Boolean If CD_ShowRun(cd_OwnerHandle, cd_Flags, cd_Prompt, cd_DialogTitle, cd_hIcon) = False Then ShowRun = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowRun", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowRun = True End If End Function Public Function ShowSave() As Boolean Dim TheFlags As Long Dim TheFileName As String Dim TheFileTitle As String Dim TheDefaultExt As String Dim TheDialogTitle As String Dim TheFilter As String Dim TheInitDir As String TheFlags = cd_Flags TheFileName = cd_FileName TheFileTitle = cd_FileTitle TheDefaultExt = cd_DefaultExt TheDialogTitle = cd_DialogTitle TheFilter = cd_Filter TheInitDir = cd_InitDir If CD_ShowOpen_Save(cd_OwnerHandle, TheFlags, TheFileName, TheFileTitle, TheDefaultExt, TheDialogTitle, TheFilter, TheInitDir, False) = False Then ShowSave = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowOpen_Save", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowSave = True cd_Flags = TheFlags cd_FileName = TheFileName cd_FileTitle = TheFileTitle cd_DefaultExt = TheDefaultExt cd_DialogTitle = TheDialogTitle cd_Filter = TheFilter cd_InitDir = TheInitDir End If End Function Public Function ShowShutDown() As Boolean If CD_ShowShutDown(cd_OwnerHandle) = False Then ShowShutDown = False If cd_CancelError = True Then Err.Raise CDERR_CANCEL, "basCOMDLG32.bas - CD_ShowShutDown", CDERR_CANCELMSG End If Else ShowShutDown = True End If End Function '============================================================================================================= '============================================================================================================= Private Function ConvertHelpConst(ByVal HelpConst As Long) As HelpCommands On Error Resume Next Select Case HelpConst Case &H102& ' Run the specified help macro ConvertHelpConst = HELP_COMMAND Case &H1 ' Displays specified help ConvertHelpConst = HELP_CONTEXT Case &H8& ' Displays specified help in a Pop-Up window ConvertHelpConst = HELP_CONTEXTPOPUP Case &H9& ' Display the first page of the help system ConvertHelpConst = HELP_FORCEFILE Case &H4 ' Displays help on how to use the WinHelp system ConvertHelpConst = HELP_HELPONHELP Case &H2 ' Exits all WinHelp help systems ConvertHelpConst = HELP_QUIT Case &H101 ' Opens the help file to the "Index" tab ConvertHelpConst = HELP_KEY Case &HF ' Opens the help file to the "Contents" tab ConvertHelpConst = HELP_TAB End Select End Function