Attribute VB_Name = "modShellCommand" Option Explicit '============================================================================================================= ' ' modShellCommand Module ' ---------------------- ' ' Created By : Kevin Wilson ' ( The VB Zone ) ' ( The VB Zone .net ) ' ' Last Update : January 10, 2003 ' Created On : January 10, 2003 ' ' VB Versions : 5.0 / 6.0 ' ' Requires : Security rights to execute the COMMAND.COM file (which must be located in your Windows search path) ' ' Description : This module allows you to execute "MS-DOS" style commands that you'd normally execute at a ' command prompt (i.e. - IISRESET, PING, TRACERT, etc) and get back the ' result text that would normally be printed to the command console. This can be helpfull in ' checking the return status of "MS-DOS" style commands. ' '============================================================================================================= ' ' LEGAL: ' ' You are free to use this code as long as you keep the above heading information intact and unchanged. Credit ' given where credit is due. Also, it is not required, but it would be appreciated if you would mention ' somewhere in your compiled program that that your program makes use of code written and distributed by ' Kevin Wilson ( Feel free to link to this code via your web site or articles. ' ' You may NOT take this code and pass it off as your own. You may NOT distribute this code on your own server ' or web site. You may NOT take code created by Kevin Wilson ( and use it to create products, ' utilities, or applications that directly compete with products, utilities, and applications created by Kevin ' Wilson,, or Wilson Media. You may NOT take this code and sell it for profit without first ' obtaining the written consent of the author Kevin Wilson. ' ' These conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the owner Kevin Wilson at any time without ' warning or notice. Copyright© by Kevin Wilson. All rights reserved. ' '============================================================================================================= ' Enumeration - "C-Style" Boolean values Public Enum BOOL FALSE_ = 0 TRUE_ = 1 End Enum ' Constants - General Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = 260 ' Constants - OpenProcess(lngAccessType) Private Const STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED = &HF0000 ' Private Const PROCESS_CREATE_PROCESS = &H80 ' Used internally. Private Const PROCESS_CREATE_THREAD = &H2 ' Enables using the process handle in the CreateRemoteThread function to create a thread in the process. Private Const PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE = &H40 ' Enables using the process handle as either the source or target process in the DuplicateHandle function to duplicate a handle. Private Const PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION = &H400 ' Enables using the process handle in the GetExitCodeProcess and GetPriorityClass functions to read information from the process object. Private Const PROCESS_SET_QUOTA = &H100 ' Enables using the process handl in the AssignProcessToJobObject and SetProcessWorkingSetSize functions to set memory limits. Private Const PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION = &H200 ' Enables using the process handle in the SetPriorityClass function to set the priority class of the process. Private Const PROCESS_TERMINATE = &H1 ' Enables using the process handle in the TerminateProcess function to terminate the process. Private Const PROCESS_VM_OPERATION = &H8 ' Enables using the process handle in the VirtualProtectEx and WriteProcessMemory functions to modify the virtual memory of the process. Private Const PROCESS_VM_READ = &H10 ' Enables using the process handle in the ReadProcessMemory function to read from the virtual memory of the process. Private Const PROCESS_VM_WRITE = &H20 ' Enables using the process handle in the WriteProcessMemory function to write to the virtual memory of the process. Private Const SYNCHRONIZE = &H100000 ' Windows NT/2000: Enables using the process handle in any of the wait functions to wait for the process to terminate. Private Const PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS = (STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED Or SYNCHRONIZE Or &HFFF) ' Specifies all possible access flags for the process object. ' Constants - GetExitCodeProcess(lngExitCode) Private Const STATUS_WAIT_0 = &H0 Private Const STATUS_ABANDONED_WAIT_0 = &H80 Private Const STATUS_USER_APC = &HC0 Private Const STATUS_TIMEOUT = &H102 Private Const STATUS_PENDING = &H103 Private Const STATUS_SEGMENT_NOTIFICATION = &H40000005 Private Const STATUS_GUARD_PAGE_VIOLATION = &H80000001 Private Const STATUS_DATATYPE_MISALIGNMENT = &H80000002 Private Const STATUS_BREAKPOINT = &H80000003 Private Const STATUS_SINGLE_STEP = &H80000004 Private Const STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION = &HC0000005 Private Const STATUS_IN_PAGE_ERROR = &HC0000006 Private Const STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE = &HC0000008 Private Const STATUS_NO_MEMORY = &HC0000017 Private Const STATUS_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION = &HC000001D Private Const STATUS_NONCONTINUABLE_EXCEPTION = &HC0000025 Private Const STATUS_INVALID_DISPOSITION = &HC0000026 Private Const STATUS_ARRAY_BOUNDS_EXCEEDED = &HC000008C Private Const STATUS_FLOAT_DENORMAL_OPERAND = &HC000008D Private Const STATUS_FLOAT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO = &HC000008E Private Const STATUS_FLOAT_INEXACT_RESULT = &HC000008F Private Const STATUS_FLOAT_INVALID_OPERATION = &HC0000090 Private Const STATUS_FLOAT_OVERFLOW = &HC0000091 Private Const STATUS_FLOAT_STACK_CHECK = &HC0000092 Private Const STATUS_FLOAT_UNDERFLOW = &HC0000093 Private Const STATUS_INTEGER_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO = &HC0000094 Private Const STATUS_INTEGER_OVERFLOW = &HC0000095 Private Const STATUS_PRIVILEGED_INSTRUCTION = &HC0000096 Private Const STATUS_STACK_OVERFLOW = &HC00000FD Private Const STATUS_CONTROL_C_EXIT = &HC000013A Private Const STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_FAULTS = &HC00002B4 Private Const STATUS_FLOAT_MULTIPLE_TRAPS = &HC00002B5 Private Const STATUS_REG_NAT_CONSUMPTION = &HC00002C9 Private Const DBG_TERMINATE_THREAD = &H40010003 Private Const DBG_TERMINATE_PROCESS = &H40010004 Private Const DBG_CONTROL_C = &H40010005 Private Const DBG_CONTROL_BREAK = &H40010008 Private Const DBG_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED = &H80010001 Private Const DBG_CONTINUE = &H10002 ' Win32 API Declarations Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal lngMilliseconds As Long) Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hObject As Long) As BOOL Private Declare Function GetTempPath Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetTempPathA" (ByVal nBufferLength As Long, ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long Private Declare Function GetTempFileName Lib "kernel32.dll" Alias "GetTempFileNameA" (ByVal strTempFilePath As String, ByVal strFilePrefix As String, ByVal lngUniqueValue As Long, ByVal ReturnBuffer As String) As Long Private Declare Function OpenProcess Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal lngAccessType As Long, ByVal blnInheritHandle As BOOL, ByVal lngProcessID As Long) As Long Private Declare Function GetExitCodeProcess Lib "kernel32.dll" (ByVal hProcess As Long, ByRef lngExitCode As Long) As BOOL Public Function ShellCommand(ByVal strCommand As String, _ ByRef Return_Text As String, _ Optional ByVal WindowStyle As VBA.VbAppWinStyle = vbNormalFocus, _ Optional ByVal intTimeoutSeconds As Integer = 30, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrNum As Long, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrSrc As String, _ Optional ByRef Return_ErrDesc As String) As Boolean On Error GoTo ErrorTrap Dim strTempPath As String Dim strTempFile As String Dim intFileNum As Integer Dim sngStartTime As Single Dim hProcess As Long Dim strShell As String Dim hShell As Long Dim lngExitCode As Long ' Set the default return values Return_Text = "" Return_ErrNum = 0 Return_ErrSrc = "" Return_ErrDesc = "" ' Validate parameters If Trim(strCommand) = "" Then Err.Raise -1, "ShellCommand", "No valid command specified to execute" ElseIf WindowStyle <> vbHide And _ WindowStyle <> vbMaximizedFocus And _ WindowStyle <> vbMinimizedFocus And _ WindowStyle <> vbMinimizedNoFocus And _ WindowStyle <> vbNormalFocus And _ WindowStyle <> vbNormalNoFocus Then Err.Raise -1, "ShellCommand", "Invalid window style specified" ElseIf intTimeoutSeconds < 1 Then intTimeoutSeconds = 1 End If ' Get the system TEMP directory strTempPath = String(MAX_PATH, Chr(0)) If GetTempPath(MAX_PATH, strTempPath) = 0 Then Err.Raise Err.LastDllError, "GetTempPath Win32 API", "Failed to get the path to the system temp folder" Else strTempPath = Left(strTempPath, InStr(1, strTempPath, Chr(0), vbTextCompare) - 1) If Right(strTempPath, 1) <> "\" Then strTempPath = strTempPath & "\" End If ' Get the file name of the TEMP file to use strTempFile = String(MAX_PATH, Chr(0)) If GetTempFileName(strTempPath & Chr(0), "CMD" & Chr(0), 0, strTempFile) = 0 Then Err.Raise Err.LastDllError, "GetTempFileName Win32 API", "Failed to get the file name of the temp file to use" Else strTempFile = Left(strTempFile, InStr(1, strTempFile, Chr(0), vbTextCompare) - 1) End If ' Assemble the executable command strShell = "COMMAND.COM /C " & strCommand & " > " & strTempFile ' Execute the command hShell = Shell(strShell, WindowStyle) ' Get the handle to the running process hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, FALSE_, hShell) If hProcess = 0 Then Err.Raise -1, "OpenProcess Win32 API", "Failed to get the handle to the executing process" End If ' Get the current status of the executing command If GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, lngExitCode) = FALSE_ Then CloseHandle hProcess Err.Raise Err.LastDllError, "GetExitCodeProcess Win32 API", "Failed to get the current status of the process " & CStr(hProcess) End If ' Loop while the process is still executing and the TIMEOUT hasn't expired sngStartTime = Timer Do While lngExitCode = STATUS_PENDING ' If the timeout has expired, error out If Timer - sngStartTime > intTimeoutSeconds Then CloseHandle hProcess Err.Raise -1, "ShellCommand", "The process execution timed out" End If ' Wait for a 10th of a second before checking the status of the executing command again DoEvents Sleep 100 ' Get the current status of the executing command If GetExitCodeProcess(hProcess, lngExitCode) = FALSE_ Then CloseHandle hProcess Err.Raise Err.LastDllError, "GetExitCodeProcess Win32 API", "Failed to get the current status of the process " & CStr(hProcess) End If Loop ' Close the handle to the process we opened If CloseHandle(hProcess) = FALSE_ Then Err.Raise Err.LastDllError, "CloseHandle Win32 API", "Failed to successfully close the process handle" End If ' Make sure the temporary file was successfully created If Dir(strTempFile, vbArchive Or vbHidden Or vbNormal Or vbReadOnly Or vbSystem) <> "" Then ' Open the temporary output file and get it's contents Return_Text = String(FileLen(strTempFile), Chr(0)) intFileNum = FreeFile Open strTempFile For Binary Access Read As #intFileNum Get #intFileNum, , Return_Text Close #intFileNum ' Delete the temporary output file Kill strTempFile End If ' Function executed successfully ShellCommand = True Exit Function ErrorTrap: Return_ErrNum = Err.Number Return_ErrSrc = Err.Source Return_ErrDesc = Err.Description Err.Clear End Function