Attribute VB_Name = "modSort" Option Explicit ' ' '============================================================================================================= ' ' modSort Module ' -------------- ' ' Created By : Kevin Wilson ' ( The VB Zone ) ' ( The VB Zone .net ) ' ' Created On : June 23, 2003 ' Last Update : June 23, 2003 ' ' VB Versions : 5.0 / 6.0 ' ' Requires : NOTHING ' ' Description : This module is designed to make it easy to sort data arrays of different data types. The ' sort functions used in this module use an sorting algorithm called the "Shell Sort". The ' "Shell Sort" was invented by Donald Shell in 1959. It is much more efficient than other ' such O(n2) sort algorithms as the "Bubble Sort", "Selection Sort", and "Insertion Sort" ' but still is fairly simplistic in it's design. There other O(n log n) sorting methods ' that are more efficient such as the "Heap Sort", "Merge Sort", and "Quick Sort"... ' but these sorting algorithms are MUCH more complex and memory intensive. They are also ' oriented towards sorting numbers, not sorting strings. ' ' NOTE : In my testing... I sorted both a string array and a number array containing 100,000 elements ' each and both string arrays, and number arrays were sorted correctly within 5 to 10 seconds. ' ' See Also : ' ' ' Example Use : ' ' Option Explicit ' Private Sub Form_Load() ' Dim MyArray(4) As String ' Dim bytCounter As Byte ' MyArray(0) = "Hello" ' MyArray(1) = "My" ' MyArray(2) = "Name" ' MyArray(3) = "Is" ' MyArray(4) = "Kevin" ' Call Sort_STRING(MyArray, True) ' Me.AutoRedraw = True ' For bytCounter = 0 To 4 ' Me.Print MyArray(bytCounter) ' Next ' End Sub ' '============================================================================================================= ' ' LEGAL: ' ' You are free to use this code as long as you keep the above heading information intact and unchanged. Credit ' given where credit is due. Also, it is not required, but it would be appreciated if you would mention ' somewhere in your compiled program that that your program makes use of code written and distributed by ' Kevin Wilson ( Feel free to link to this code via your web site or articles. ' ' You may NOT take this code and pass it off as your own. You may NOT distribute this code on your own server ' or web site. You may NOT take code created by Kevin Wilson ( and use it to create products, ' utilities, or applications that directly compete with products, utilities, and applications created by Kevin ' Wilson,, or Wilson Media. You may NOT take this code and sell it for profit without first ' obtaining the written consent of the author Kevin Wilson. ' ' These conditions are subject to change at the discretion of the owner Kevin Wilson at any time without ' warning or notice. Copyrightİ by Kevin Wilson. All rights reserved. ' '============================================================================================================= '============================================================================================================= ' Sort_* Functions ' ' The Sort_BYTE, Sort_INTEGER, Sort_LONG, Sort_SINGLE, Sort_DOUBLE, Sort_DATE, and Sort_STRING functions take ' in the respective data type arrays and sort them either ascending or decending depending on the parameters ' passed to the functions. ' ' Parameter: Use: ' ------------------------------------------- ' strArray() References the array to be sorted. ' blnDecending If FALSE (default), the array will be sorted in ascending order (A,B,C). If ' TRUE, the array will be sorted in descending order (Z,X,Y). ' ' Return: ' ------- ' (none) ' '============================================================================================================= Public Sub Sort_STRING(ByRef strArray() As String, Optional ByVal blnDecending As Boolean = False) Dim strTempVal As String Dim lngCounter As Long Dim lngGapSize As Long Dim lngCurPos As Long Dim lngFirstRow As Long Dim lngLastRow As Long Dim lngNumRows As Long lngFirstRow = LBound(strArray) lngLastRow = UBound(strArray) lngNumRows = lngLastRow - lngFirstRow + 1 Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize * 3 + 1 Loop Until lngGapSize > lngNumRows Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize \ 3 For lngCounter = (lngGapSize + lngFirstRow) To lngLastRow lngCurPos = lngCounter strTempVal = strArray(lngCounter) Do While CompareResult_TXT(strArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize), strTempVal, blnDecending) strArray(lngCurPos) = strArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize) lngCurPos = lngCurPos - lngGapSize If (lngCurPos - lngGapSize) < lngFirstRow Then Exit Do Loop strArray(lngCurPos) = strTempVal Next Loop Until lngGapSize = 1 End Sub ' (See documentation for the "Sort_STRING" function) Public Sub Sort_BYTE(ByRef bytArray() As Byte, Optional ByVal blnDecending As Boolean = False) Dim strTempVal As String Dim lngCounter As Long Dim lngGapSize As Long Dim lngCurPos As Long Dim lngFirstRow As Long Dim lngLastRow As Long Dim lngNumRows As Long lngFirstRow = LBound(bytArray) lngLastRow = UBound(bytArray) lngNumRows = lngLastRow - lngFirstRow + 1 Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize * 3 + 1 Loop Until lngGapSize > lngNumRows Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize \ 3 For lngCounter = (lngGapSize + lngFirstRow) To lngLastRow lngCurPos = lngCounter strTempVal = bytArray(lngCounter) Do While CompareResult_NUM(bytArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize), strTempVal, blnDecending) bytArray(lngCurPos) = bytArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize) lngCurPos = lngCurPos - lngGapSize If (lngCurPos - lngGapSize) < lngFirstRow Then Exit Do Loop bytArray(lngCurPos) = strTempVal Next Loop Until lngGapSize = 1 End Sub ' (See documentation for the "Sort_STRING" function) Public Sub Sort_INTEGER(ByRef intArray() As Integer, Optional ByVal blnDecending As Boolean = False) Dim strTempVal As String Dim lngCounter As Long Dim lngGapSize As Long Dim lngCurPos As Long Dim lngFirstRow As Long Dim lngLastRow As Long Dim lngNumRows As Long lngFirstRow = LBound(intArray) lngLastRow = UBound(intArray) lngNumRows = lngLastRow - lngFirstRow + 1 Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize * 3 + 1 Loop Until lngGapSize > lngNumRows Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize \ 3 For lngCounter = (lngGapSize + lngFirstRow) To lngLastRow lngCurPos = lngCounter strTempVal = intArray(lngCounter) Do While CompareResult_NUM(intArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize), strTempVal, blnDecending) intArray(lngCurPos) = intArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize) lngCurPos = lngCurPos - lngGapSize If (lngCurPos - lngGapSize) < lngFirstRow Then Exit Do Loop intArray(lngCurPos) = strTempVal Next Loop Until lngGapSize = 1 End Sub ' (See documentation for the "Sort_STRING" function) Public Sub Sort_LONG(ByRef lngArray() As Long, Optional ByVal blnDecending As Boolean = False) Dim strTempVal As String Dim lngCounter As Long Dim lngGapSize As Long Dim lngCurPos As Long Dim lngFirstRow As Long Dim lngLastRow As Long Dim lngNumRows As Long lngFirstRow = LBound(lngArray) lngLastRow = UBound(lngArray) lngNumRows = lngLastRow - lngFirstRow + 1 Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize * 3 + 1 Loop Until lngGapSize > lngNumRows Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize \ 3 For lngCounter = (lngGapSize + lngFirstRow) To lngLastRow lngCurPos = lngCounter strTempVal = lngArray(lngCounter) Do While CompareResult_NUM(lngArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize), strTempVal, blnDecending) lngArray(lngCurPos) = lngArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize) lngCurPos = lngCurPos - lngGapSize If (lngCurPos - lngGapSize) < lngFirstRow Then Exit Do Loop lngArray(lngCurPos) = strTempVal Next Loop Until lngGapSize = 1 End Sub ' (See documentation for the "Sort_STRING" function) Public Sub Sort_SINGLE(ByRef sngArray() As Single, Optional ByVal blnDecending As Boolean = False) Dim strTempVal As String Dim lngCounter As Long Dim lngGapSize As Long Dim lngCurPos As Long Dim lngFirstRow As Long Dim lngLastRow As Long Dim lngNumRows As Long lngFirstRow = LBound(sngArray) lngLastRow = UBound(sngArray) lngNumRows = lngLastRow - lngFirstRow + 1 Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize * 3 + 1 Loop Until lngGapSize > lngNumRows Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize \ 3 For lngCounter = (lngGapSize + lngFirstRow) To lngLastRow lngCurPos = lngCounter strTempVal = sngArray(lngCounter) Do While CompareResult_NUM(sngArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize), strTempVal, blnDecending) sngArray(lngCurPos) = sngArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize) lngCurPos = lngCurPos - lngGapSize If (lngCurPos - lngGapSize) < lngFirstRow Then Exit Do Loop sngArray(lngCurPos) = strTempVal Next Loop Until lngGapSize = 1 End Sub ' (See documentation for the "Sort_STRING" function) Public Sub Sort_DOUBLE(ByRef dblArray() As Double, Optional ByVal blnDecending As Boolean = False) Dim strTempVal As String Dim lngCounter As Long Dim lngGapSize As Long Dim lngCurPos As Long Dim lngFirstRow As Long Dim lngLastRow As Long Dim lngNumRows As Long lngFirstRow = LBound(dblArray) lngLastRow = UBound(dblArray) lngNumRows = lngLastRow - lngFirstRow + 1 Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize * 3 + 1 Loop Until lngGapSize > lngNumRows Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize \ 3 For lngCounter = (lngGapSize + lngFirstRow) To lngLastRow lngCurPos = lngCounter strTempVal = dblArray(lngCounter) Do While CompareResult_NUM(dblArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize), strTempVal, blnDecending) dblArray(lngCurPos) = dblArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize) lngCurPos = lngCurPos - lngGapSize If (lngCurPos - lngGapSize) < lngFirstRow Then Exit Do Loop dblArray(lngCurPos) = strTempVal Next Loop Until lngGapSize = 1 End Sub ' (See documentation for the "Sort_STRING" function) Public Sub Sort_DATE(ByRef datArray() As Double, Optional ByVal blnDecending As Boolean = False) Dim strTempVal As String Dim lngCounter As Long Dim lngGapSize As Long Dim lngCurPos As Long Dim lngFirstRow As Long Dim lngLastRow As Long Dim lngNumRows As Long lngFirstRow = LBound(datArray) lngLastRow = UBound(datArray) lngNumRows = lngLastRow - lngFirstRow + 1 Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize * 3 + 1 Loop Until lngGapSize > lngNumRows Do lngGapSize = lngGapSize \ 3 For lngCounter = (lngGapSize + lngFirstRow) To lngLastRow lngCurPos = lngCounter strTempVal = datArray(lngCounter) Do While CompareResult_DAT(datArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize), strTempVal, blnDecending) datArray(lngCurPos) = datArray(lngCurPos - lngGapSize) lngCurPos = lngCurPos - lngGapSize If (lngCurPos - lngGapSize) < lngFirstRow Then Exit Do Loop datArray(lngCurPos) = strTempVal Next Loop Until lngGapSize = 1 End Sub '_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX 'ŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻŻ ' This function is used within this module only to compare values Private Function CompareResult_TXT(ByVal strValue1 As String, ByVal strValue2 As String, Optional blnDescending As Boolean = False) As Boolean CompareResult_TXT = CBool(StrComp(strValue1, strValue2, vbTextCompare) = 1) CompareResult_TXT = CompareResult_TXT Xor blnDescending End Function ' This function is used within this module only to compare values Private Function CompareResult_NUM(ByVal dblValue1 As Double, ByVal dblValue2 As Double, Optional blnDescending As Boolean = False) As Boolean CompareResult_NUM = CBool(dblValue1 > dblValue2) CompareResult_NUM = CompareResult_NUM Xor blnDescending End Function ' This function is used within this module only to compare values Private Function CompareResult_DAT(ByVal datValue1 As Date, ByVal datValue2 As Date, Optional blnDescending As Boolean = False) As Boolean CompareResult_DAT = CBool(datValue1 > datValue2) CompareResult_DAT = CompareResult_DAT Xor blnDescending End Function